Future Search The Method

Applications in Higher Education

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Higher Education Cases

Novosibirsk, Siberia, 2001.
Future search titled "Leaders for Siberia in XXI century: Creation of the Leadership Development Institute". Regional and city administration, NGOs, Siberian Academy for Public Administration (SAPA) faculty and administration, other educational institutions, business people and students came together to create the a plan for a Leadership Development Institute. They created three joint stakeholder projects to take the Institute forward. Funded by SAPA.
Nizhnyi Novgorod, Siberia, 2000.
Future search was held titled "Business and Education in 2005", a three day event at the Nizhnyi-Novgorod Educational Fair sponsored by Vasilyi Kozlov, Director of the Fund of Management. Stakeholders were directors of business schools, faculty and trainers, suppliers, businesses as customers, students, specialists on marketing, personnel managers and recruiting agencies. They developed new strategies for business/education relationships.
Austin Community College, Austin, Texas, USA, 1995.
Six future searches were run at Austin Community College in a period of two an a half months. Five were run campus-wide, one at each of the five campuses at Austin Community College. The sixth was a capstone conference for the college as a whole. The stakeholders included students, staff, faculty, administration, institutional partners, governmental/regulatory Agencies, community connections, and business. The five campus conferences provided a detailed and invigorating picture of the potential futures of each of the individual campuses. The Capstone Conference pulled together the various visions and included new input focused at the institutional level. The validation of the earlier conferences occured as hoped for and integrated the various strands of activities into a more comprehensive vision for the college. A 24 page summary report on the series is available by email from Tobin Quereau at quereau@austin.cc.tx.us.






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