Future Search The Network

Lead More, Control Less - a Master Class in Leadership, with Sandra Janoff. For professionals in Community, Organization and Personal Development.

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Workshop Description

This seminar - based on the latest  book by Marv Weisbord & Sandra Janoff titled, "Lead More, Control Less: Eight Advanced Leadership Skills that Overturn Convention",  is for those who want to take a deeper plunge into managing meetings and managing yourselves.

We will explore the realms of practice beyond traditional models, methods and techniques. We will go more deeply into personal and structural issues for leading interactive meetings. Using real issues, we will discover the essentials of controlling what you can and letting go of what you can't control.

Together we will learn more about applying principles for meaningful, energizing meetings. This is another opportunity to change the paradigm that breeds time-wasting meetings to one that promotes holistic, productive meetings. You will learn from yourself, from each other, and from Sandra Janoff, while discovering new possibilities, alternative strategies and new ways to support groups effectively.

Bring your experiences, cases, questions, theories, and models.

  •  Help us apply a time-honored method of inquiry and learning to the dilemmas of a new century.
  •  Discover your own timeless wisdom and the wisdom of the whole, plus more!

A unique first-hand experience of the power of putting your trust in the collective intelligence of the group! 




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